Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Rare 3x7 Bingo Block Recorded in an Actual Tournament

 Ryan Wee from Singapore was so delighted to have achieved a rare 3x7 bingo block in an actual tournament.

"Achievement unlocked: 3×7 bingo block! I opened with LUN for 6 points keeping ANST... Little did I know that my next 4 moves would be INEART(H)S, HEROINE, FEW, and AMENDED! My opponent and I couldn't help but laugh at the absurdity of the situation 🤣 Does anyone know what the largest bingo block in theory is? I was told that the max is 5x7." as posted by him in the Scrabble International Facebook page.

Event: 2024 ABSP National Scrabble Championships
Venue: Coventry, England
Date: May 25-27, 2024
Lexicon: CSW21

Round 4: Ryan Wee vs. Orla Judge
Play through by clicking the numbers from the Start:

The completed game:
Final Board Position between Ryan Wee 614, Orla Judge 371

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