Tuesday, July 09, 2024

CSW21 Highest Seven Tile Play Score in a Single Turn Theoretically

 Scouring all websites involving highest seven tile play score in a single turn theoretically, there is one article in Woogles with a score of 1,786 points but it uses NLW23 Lexicon. For SOWPODS or CSW21 lexicon, the highest score obtained was 1,785 points on this link, and in the comment section, it was again Dejmar who revalidated that the score can be increased to 1,787 points combining the idea of XED instead of XIS as also indicated in the NASPA website.

The increase in point was the substitution of words from XIS to XED and improvement from EJACULATED to EJACULATIONS using the last two websites mentioned above.

Off course, the usual word being used was OXYPHENBUTAZONE covering the three TWS squares using the 7-letters O-X-P-B-A-Z-E and intersecting with other seven words forming OPACIFYING, XED, PREQUALIFIED, BRAINWASHING, AMELIORATIVE, ZOOGAMETES, and EJACULATIONS.

Summing up the scores would give:

OX(Y)P(HEN)B(UT)AZ(ON)E - 54x27 = +1,458
OPACIFYING 21x3 = +63
XED +11
Bonus Point +50
Total = 1,787

1,787 point move using CSW21 and OXYPHENBUTAZONE


2,044 point move can be theoretically achieved if the word SESQUIOXIDIZING* will be valid in the future because the Q, X, Z magically falls in the important squares of the board.

Meantime, let us see the animation of the new theoretical highest play discovered!

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