Friday, September 01, 2023

Highest Combined Scores 711-502 (1,213 points) in Scrabble Recorded at 12th Malta International Scrabble Open 2019 (MISO 2019)

 A total of eight bingos, namely, VIDAMES (84), VOLITANT (74), GUTTAtED (131+5), MOUNDING (92), BERRIES (73), SIRLOIN (81), GETTERS (78) and GEROPIgA (83+5) had been played between David Webb (England) and Bob Violett (England) in Round 7 of the 12th Malta International Scrabble Open 2019.

There were two challenges made by Bob increasing the total output of David by 10 points, and they also applied the double the value of unplayed tiles to end the game.

David Webb and Bob Violett with the beautiful beach background at MISO 2019

The 5-point penalty rule was originally started in Malaysia back in 2000. In my opinion, subtracting 5 points to failed challenge is more conservative. But instead of subtracting 5 points to the challenger due to lost challenge in case the word was valid, they added 5 points to the player who made that turn. Several variances have been implemented like 5 points penalty per challenged words, and some others a 10-point penalty per word used in Tournament of Champions 2010 and also in Nigeria. Others used a 5-points penalty for a particular turn only whether how many words were challenged. The 5-point penalty challenge was first introduced to World Scrabble Championship in Las Vegas way back 2001.

It's up to the Guinness Book World of Records whether they will categorize the scores. For instance, in the case of the 1,210 combined scores (without challenges and using a +/- (plus/minus) to end the game) set by Edward Okulicz and Michael McKenna in Janboree, NSW on 2014. And the other category would be with unsuccessful challenges made indicating how many points were gained coupled with the double the value of tiles to finish the game as per the case of the newly record of 1,213.

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